Saturday, April 28, 2007

Artist’s Studio: Roy Lichtenstein
15.5” x 18.25” x 8.5”

Dioramas of famous artists working in their studios. You probably have to be pretty artsy fartsy to appreciate this man's work, but I'm amazed!

Wednesday, April 25, 2007

It Ain't Me, Babe

Cate Blanchett as Bob Dylan. Favorite actress? Check. Favorite musician? Check. To say I'm extremely excited would be a huge understatement.

Check the following sites for more information:

Tuesday, April 24, 2007

you called me Kate and you were right.

Okay, so I've been holding off on a new blog because I wanted to post something other than a photograph. As you can see I never came up with anything so here's a photo I took last night of a fellow contributor to andmonsters, Adam Slight. Recently I acquired access to a scanner so maybe I'll load a few of my collages, etc. Feel free to contact me if there's something you know I have and you'd like to see...or challenge me with a new project.


Melissa Tabor, a fantastic fashion designer and friend has a new website up so go check it out and buy something!

That's all for now.