Friday, August 17, 2007


Insane wave pool in Tokyo. Where's the water?

To me that's art, mainly because it conjures up so many questions.

Per example, if a lifeguard needs to save someone (and you know somewhere in that pool a kid is terrified they're going to die a horrible death by water) where do they dive in??? I mean do they have some crazy system where they create a tiny diving hole? You can't exactly scatter in a wave pool, much less when it's packed to the brim. How deep is the water? I don't know, maybe I just had a bad experience at Water World as a child.

Here's another idea, if someone blindfolded you and took you to this room, what do you think you'd imagine was going on?

Where can I find a copy of that cool music in the into? All valid questions.

Anyway, if anyone wants to meet up on my final weekend in Atlanta to contemplate existence and this wave pool let me know. I'm obviously delirious from packing.


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